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Although BFL x Icelandic ewes are not technically considered Mules by UK breeders, typical UK hill sheep are not prevalent in the US, nor do they offer the spinner much color variety.  Our ideal mother for our mule ewes needs to offer the excellent hardiness of the ‘primitive’ types, prolificacy, improved carcass production, and ideally the option of multiple natural colors for the US spinning fleece market.   After much research into available primitive breeds similar to the UK hill sheep, it became obvious that the Icelandic breed was becoming well established as a hardy homestead sheep in the US.  There is also an excellent semen bank available to US breeders though Southram Station in Iceland.  There has been a stong emphasis in Iceland towards lines selected for superior carcass production.  We were able to locate some fleeces from BFL-Icelandic crosses and they were beautiful.  Although we have just begun to explore breeding Icelandic mule ewes, we believe their attributes will offer advantages similar to those obtained from the UK hill breeds.
To learn more about Icelandics, take a look at the Icelandic Sheep Association link on our front page.
Our Icelandic flock will be selected for hardiness, commercial meat type, fine fleece, prolificacy, superior mothering ability, and their ability to breed superior mule ewes.
Links to Iceland progenitors:

Southram site  http://southram.bssl.is/default2.asp?Docid=4&RevID=2&Tpl=1Template1.asp&M1=4

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